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Join us as we showcase  our talented
All Star World's teams.


Support. Family. Hershey Elite

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Join one of our teams!  


Hershey Elite currently has 7 full-year competitive all star teams and 1 half-year competition team.  Through the hard work and dedication of our amazing coaching staff and very talented athletes, we will be traveling with all our elite travel teams to the All Star Worlds Competition.  This year was our first attempt to secure bids to this event and I am happy to say, all elite teams Level1-4 made it.  It was no easy task with large top name gyms at each event, but we were able to come out victorious.  We are so proud of our athletes and love the dedication of our families. 


We look forward to finding the perfect fit

for your athlete, where they will be

surrounded by caring and supportive

friends, coaches and mentors.

Pro Shop
coming soon

Their Faces say it all!


Cheer, Dance, Jump, Stunt,
Tumble, Train!
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Love. Support. Family. HERSHEY ELITE

318 Taxiway Drive, Annville, PA 17003 717.908-6335

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